Parr Family Fresh 48

I will never forget the moment they laid my son on my chest for the first time. He felt like a bowling ball in my arms after my 32 hour labor and I could barely see him through my watery eyes but every second of that moment is etched into my mind forever. 

Recently, I was able to meet a family right after their baby girl was born and document their beginning as a family of three. There's nothing quite like the first few days with your newborn. 

boys in the park

I remember finding out when I was pregnant that we were going to have a boy. Immediately I pictured Brandon and our little boy playing outside. I could just see them running barefoot in the grass, throwing a football, and getting dirty. Although Cal…

I remember finding out when I was pregnant that we were going to have a boy. Immediately I pictured Brandon and our little boy playing outside. I could just see them running barefoot in the grass, throwing a football, and getting dirty. Although Caleb is still too small to run around in the grass, these two are already fulfilling my dreams of having a son. 


I cannot get over how much of a mini-Brandon Caleb is becoming. My hope for Caleb is that he would not only reflect the outside appearance of his earthly father, but that he would also reflect the character, faithfulness, and kindness as well. He is one lucky boy to have Brandon Keilman teach him about life.